i hope your holidays have been going well
sorry i haven't been that active in online spaces like here or discord
i didn't get much done in '23, it's been a pretty sleepy year for me overall
mainly i've been taking care of myself and trying not to burn out too hard but i was able to do some stuff
i actually did a lot of drawings, just not a lot i can share (studies, doodles, personal stuff, ect.)
i meet some cool people (technically happened late last year but i mainly got to know them this year)
i started posting web comics on tumblr, just little jokey comic strips but i do have some bigger projects planned. might post those projects here too if they ever get done
worked on some writing
did planning for stuff
experimented with some art stuff
did more physical paintings after a while of not doing them
made a neocities site and have been messing around with that
a lot of experimentation and trying to ward off art block and a lot of just messing around trying new things
i wasn't sure where things were going with me and my life for a while but things have been looking up i think
thank you to everyone who's stuck around, see you in 2024! (or earlier, i do have a drawing i plan to do before new year but i might just rest)
Its Been Very Bittersweet But I Love Takeing Good With The Bad I Do Not Know You But Happy Holidays I Hope I See You More Next Year